Rick Collingwood

Rick Collingwood - Australian Hypnotherapist
Rick Collingwood has been practicing clinical hypnosis since 1992. He is an internationally recognised hypnotherapist, mesmerist, motivator & author of more than 70 top selling personal hypnotherapy CDs. Rick's official qualifications include: Dip. Hypnosis, Dip. Adv Hypnosis, Dip. 1-2 Counselling, Dip. Mental Health, B.A. Counselling & Cert. IV Workplace Training & Assessment.
Rick is the founder of Mind Motivation (hypnosis organisation), the co-owner of Resonanz Recordings Int, and the principal of the Australian and International Academy's of Hypnosis. He has personally trained over 2500 students through his accredited hypnosis courses, and sold more than 750 000 of his personal hypnotherapy CDs through Resonanz. He has been fortunate enough to have experienced a very successful career, and in doing so, helped a lot of people with many different types of problems.
Some of Rick's career highlights include:
- 2 x Platinum & 5 Gold Records from ARIA for his CD sales (Australian Recording Industry Association)
- Working with Hollywood actors, world champion sports people, industry leaders, government associations and medical organisations
- Coordinating the world first 2005 Hypnosis & Cancer scientific trials
- Appearing on TV shows like A Current Affair, Good Morning America, Today Tonight, MTV and NBC news
It is Rick's skills a hypnotist and his years of research into the clinical application of this modality that have projected him to the forefront of his industry. He was heavily responsible in the de-regulation of practicing hypnosis in Australia and significantly helped gain widespread support for the efficacy of hypnotherapy as adjunct to medical treatment for many issues.