Instructions for Using the Hypnotherapy Programs

Important: Do Not use any of our hypnosis CDs or MP3s whilst driving a vehicle or doing anything else that requires your full attention for safety's sake!
Listening Frequency
To get the most out of your self hypnosis program/s please use them at least once per day for 6 days a week. On the 7th day have a break by not using any program/s. Repeat this for between 6-8 weeks for the best possible results. It is fine to keep using the program/s after this period as required. It is also fine to use the programs more then once in a day - for example once in the morning and once at night - whatever feels right for you is best.
Listening Times
The best time to use the CDs/MP3s is just before and whilst you sleep or during the day when you have an hour or so of 'quiet time'. It is fine to fall asleep using the programs as your subconscious mind is still receptive and taking on all the helpful suggestions.
Listening Formats
You can listen to the programs through a stereo or headphones at a volume that is comfortable for you. It is also fine to burn the MP3s on to a CD and use through a stereo. Most people fall asleep with headphones on or with a stereo unit next to their bed when using the CDs.
Other Recommendations
Drink a glass or two of water before each session - hypnosis can leave you feeling a little dehydrated
Try not to think too much about anything when you listen - just let your mind wander and try to relax
Before you use the programs try to establish what your goals or end results are, and picture this briefly in your mind.
Using Multiple Titles
It is fine to use up to 3 or 4 different titles within the same 8 week period. Simply alternate equally between the different titles in line with the instructions above. If you feel a little overwhelmed with too much information, just limit the number of titles you use and the listening frequency of each title per day.
Important Warnings
Any person suffering from a significant mental health problem such as Schizophrenia. Multiple Personality Disorder, Psychosis, Bi Polar Disorder, or Delusional Disorder, whether the disorder be congenital or otherwise SHOULD NOT USE THESE CDs or MP3s WITHOUT PRIOR CONSULTATION WITH THEIR PHYSICIAN. This does not include depression.