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Pain Free (MP3 or CD) Rick Collingwood
Hi Rick,
Hope you remember me. Ryan had helped me with my purchase,and you had asked me to contact me after a few weeks of trying the CD'S.First off,I have to say this connection was made in part to Coast to Coast.But what blows me away is 5 to 8 years ago I got a tattoo on the back of my neck.It's a Tibetian poem and my mantra.In short "when the mind and body are one,anything can be accomplished."Is that weird!! I am 52,a single hairstylist.I do TV and movies and am ,was very sucessful.15 years ago I was in an accident and had very severe injuries,including TBI.I have not slept more than 2-3 hrs a nite since.I have used your Insomia cd's 3 weeks now,and have averaged between 6-7 hrs nitely! I also have cronic pain,ADD,ADHD,and arthritis.I also have your Mind/Body and Pain Free.I feel less pain.I can't express enough how you have changed my life.Thank you! I also suffer from depression.Is there another CD that would address this and the ADD? I am feeling. stronger every day.Sorry this is so long winded.Best wishes and helping me get MY life back,Cheers Rick! Coming to S.F. ,CA any time soon,I'd like to come to your seminar and shake your hand!
Peace and Love
Creating Abundance (MP3 or CD) - Rick Collingwood
The Intuition and Quit Smoking MP3s came through like a champ. Imagine... all the way from Australia to Florida. Wish I could travel down for a visit that quick! The Body Toning one isn't critical and will wait awhile longer to see if the CDs arrive maybe this week. Please pass along to Dr. Collingwood that myself and my husband are seeing AMAZING results with the motivational and younger you sessions. I will admit to some interesting dreams, which we are remembering quite easily, and then the miracles occur the next day with what we are accomplishing (projects that have lingered for years, exercise program I just couldn't get started before, new business plan in the works...) and our much improved positive attitudes. So grateful! We will continue to share your website with friends and family.
Hugs to you all, Vicki
Personal Life Motivation (MP3 or CD) - Rick Collingwood
Dear Rick,
I just listened to you on Coast to Coast AM last week- and right away Idownloaded the free mp3. I have to say that after only two sessions I am feeling totally great, light as a feather. So many subtle changes are happening within in me already. I intend on getting the weight loss CD, however, through listening to this one I have noticed that my food cravings have literally disappeared. I feel calm, more centered, energetic and I can't stop talking about it. I have had hypnotherapy in the past and it worked really well, so I already had an affinity to this amazing tool.Your voice tone and accent also make it easy to listen to. I think you should get booked on Oprah.
Many thanks,
San Diego, CA
Power Nap! (MP3 or CD) Rick Collingwood
Rick my wife and I just finished the MP3 I downloaded. This is truly remarkable. In all my years I have never had a experience like this. Heard you on C2C. I just started as a Hospics Chaplain in Oregon USA. I will be looking for others to download soon.
Blessings, Damon McCoy
Creating Abundance (MP3 or CD) - Rick Collingwood
I really enjoy the "Creating Abundance" CD. Really get a lot out of it. I play it 2 or 3 times a day. It really kicks in the 2nd time.
Weight Loss & Appetite Control (MP3 or CD) - Rick Collingwood
Dear Dr. Collingwood,
You are my hero! After listening to you on Coast to Coast I purchased your Weight Loss MP3 and have been amazed of the results. In 2 months I have lost 20 pounds and feel in total control with no worries about what I eat.
After listening to your radio interview I found I am a good subject for all this because from the beginning I go into trance with out a hitch, with in a moment of hearing your voice I'm out!
The weight loss worked so well I have purchased 2 other MP3 programs and downloaded the free motivation program. My question is, if I set up my computer to play these during my sleep, will it cause any issues? I'm very happy and feel like it's been such a help in my mental health I want to fix everything at once, i.e. weight loss, becoming a non-smoker, stop procrastinating, self healing and on and on.
And by the way, I have used the other programs on the internet to compare, but yours is without a doubt the best! I just wish I knew more about how much hypnosis I can take at one time. Personally I think I can handle more than one focus at a time but want to make sure.
Thank you for your time and for saving my life not just on a physical level but also a spiritual level as well. You are truly an angel!
Quit Smoking (MP3 or CD) - Rick Collingwood
Hello Mr Collingwood I bought one of your CDs a few years ago to help quit smoking. I didn’t stop because I used the CD in bed and just went to sleep. Now I’m motivated again, but my CD player doesn’t work well and I wanted to use the tracks on my Ipod. The sleeve advises not to burn or copy it and claims that it may even be dangerous. Do I face any danger if I was to use an MP3 copy of the CD?I must also say that this week I visited a quit hypnotist and after hearing the difference between his session and yours, I can only say that you provide something far superior at a much reduced cost. I may even look to your MP3s for my other vices, but that’s another story.
Enhance Your Calm (MP3 or CD) Rick Collingwood
I have used the CD’s. I have used Enhance Your Calm 5 or 6 times and Happiness and Self Esteem once. I have (honestly) been blown away by both of them. When I was using Calm consistently I could tell a difference in my demeanor and even now being about 3 weeks removed from my last use still feel pretty mellow during times when anger used to take over. After I used Happiness and Self Esteem I noticed about 3 days where my confidence was higher than it had been in a long time. I have yet to return to that one but really, really have liked the results.
Sometimes it takes about 2 minutes for me to go under, sometimes it takes about 20 minutes and only once have I come back in the middle of a session but that was when I was on a flight from Mexico to LA.
I am genuinely a fan of your CDs and have been telling people about them. Although they are skeptical I think my recommendation makes them listen because I am not one to praise something I don’t believe in.
Weight Loss & Appetite Control (MP3 or CD) - Rick Collingwood
Hi Rick.
I happen to see the ABC news show Tuesday night (here in the US).. Prime Time: Secrets of Your Mind series. This show featured a story about a woman who was obese and had to lose weight (or else !), so surgeons cracked open her skull, probed into her brain and stimulated the hypothalamus triggering a feeling of fullness or not being hungry. -- While she was wide awake!
You can watch some of it at the link below, but my thought was "How unfortunate that she did not have the benefit of you instead." All through this piece I could easily draw stunning parallels between the doctors tinkering directly with this brain vs. your powerful, yet safe suggestions into the subconscious for weight loss. I feel that my experience through you is even more dramatic actually.
I am not sure your opinion on this cutting edge (pun intended) method for brain manipulation. I have not heard about such a thing and knowing of your interest in things of the mind and your splendid talent for hypnosis, I thought to let you write you. So here is a way to see part of it if you want: or if you need to go to to look at the yesterday's shows and view "Secrets of Your Mind"
And by the way, I have been continually losing every week, little by little since using your tape for weight loss...and that is good, I am not in a hurry and losing seems so effortless. About 20 weeks, 20 pounds; 30 to go!
Your forever fan,
Creating Better Relationships (MP3 or CD) Rick Collingwood
I purchased a couple of CD’s, Super Memory and Relationship Confidence about 10 days ago. I am very impressed with the quality and would like to buy a number of other titles. I have been married 11 years and was under the impression that the Relationship Confidence tape would do focus on improving the relationships I have with spouse, family and friends. However, the Relationship Confidence CD is has a particular focus aimed at people who wish to attract a long term romantic relationship which is not what I was thinking of. Please could you tell me if I could change this CD for another. Whether I do this through you or take it back to the shop where I got it.