Rick Collingwood Hypnosis Apps Released on iTunes & Android

On the 12th of January 2012 Rick Collingwood's fist mobile hypnosis apps were released for iTunes and Android. The apps are Rick's hypnosis sessions available for download to your phone.
The first titles released included Insomnia Cure, Energy Boost, Power Nap, Relationships, Psychic Power, Quit Smoking, Beat Addiction and Happy & Positive. We will be releasing additional titles in the future.
The app was made by our associates at iMobilize who develop many apps for other authors in the self-help industry like Echart Toll, Glenn Harrold and even Giovanni Lordi too!
To view the apps you can simply search for 'Rick Collingwood' in the iTunes Store or for Google Play visit here - https://play.google.com/store/search?q=rick%20collingwood&c=apps&hl=en
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