Suzanne Teng Wins IAMA Award

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Suzanne Teng and her husband/band member Gilbert have won the First Place award for the Instrumental Category of the 2006 International Acoustic Music Awards (IAMA)

Suzanne Teng won First Prize in the Instrumental catgeory of the 2nd Annual IAMA with her song new age "Chicoy" and also has another song "Katyia's Dance" which went to the top 10 finalist in the same category. Suzanne is an accomplished flutist, displays excellent phrasing in flute. Excellent hooks in her compositions. The whole performance and composition flows very well with ambient sounds. Nice touch in the music production and arrangement with light percussion. It is surprisingly not over-produced or overwhelming at all.

Suzanne has a master’s degree in music from Boston University’s School for the Arts and has studied with some of the finest flute teachers in the world. Her music has received nationwide airplay in United States.

RATING: ***** (5  out of 5 Stars) - from IAMA Website

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